Ravi Raja Merugu
Django - why ajax for pages ? we have Pjax

Pjax(https://github.com/defunkt/jquery-pjax) is a jQuery plugin a standalone JavaScript module that uses ajax (XmlHttpRequest) and pushState() to deliver a fast browsing experience.

Typically django serves each page with a entire page reload, costing performance. Using Pjax, its we convert our django application into a light weight server rendered SPA :) , Lets know how awesome is that..

Here is how to use it and code is hosted at https://github.com/rrmerugu/django-pjaxified.

  1. Step1: Fork and Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/rrmerugu/django-pjaxified

  2. Step2: Create virtualenv virtualenv venv

  3. Step3: Activate the venv and install the necessary packages using source venv/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt

  4. Step4: start the server :D, all the configs are already added into the settings. Just start the server with python manage.py runserver

  5. Check the djangoajax/settings.py for the pjax settings. there are only 3 settings needed . Check https://github.com/nigma/django-easy-pjax for settings and implementation doc.

  6. website/templates/base.html contains the js libraries and code needed to activate the pjax on page :) .

  7. In the url/route of django view while extending the base.html instead of { % extend s "base.html" % } use { % extend s "base.html"|pjax:request % } and place the { % block content % } of base.html in a div container with id specified in base.html which is pjax-container in our case.

Try it out, and let me know :)

Last modified on 2017-02-25